Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Well there's a few things that I hate that everyone else is noticing happening too:
  1. Low pay. OK So I'll write for 1 cent per word but when offered 1/4 cent per word I start to boil.
  2. Craig's List. This is a good web site for finding work but lately everything is getting flagged down by writers who simply do not want to deal with any competition.
  3. Critiques. I can deal with this when they're done in a polite manner but this wasn't.
  4. Rude clients. I have a client that thinks I should only write for him in the manner that he wants it written. I'm about to tell him to go fly his kite somewhere else, yet at the same time I'd like to have the money. UGGG

OK I'm done ranting and will go on about my day now. Thanks for caring enough to hear me out.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday, April 26, 2006

I love my dd but I'm glad grandma has her for the day. I went for a walk to get lunch and stop at the store. I have a lot of work that I'd love to put a dent in this afternoon because I want to go to the store up town that sells beads tomorrow. It's so nice out thought that I'm glad I got out for an hour. The only bad part of my day was losing some work I'd thought was done :( Luckily the client understands. I'm going to have to be a lot more careful even though this is the first time this has ever happened during my close to end of 1st year as a freelance writer.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2006

I just realized that I haven't posted anything in a few days. I didn't take Monday off as I worked that night. Then yesterday was super busy with articles to write, appointments to go to and my dd wanted to be outside too. Yesterday was a great day for finding work, hopefully some of these people will be my clients soon but it's always such a shot in the dark for me. I just hope that there will be plenty of good leads available today as well. It's only noon and I just have to look through the leads and then I'm done. I'm going to clean the house since it's raining and then we have church tonight.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2006

Today is D-Day: Dumping day. I've been meaning to do this for a while so I decided to jump online and do it now. What am I talking about? Dumping all of the articles that I haven't been paid for on Associated Content so that I can at least make a few (probably very few, thanks to the state of that site) dollars from stuff that I've written and clients haven't paid me for. So far I know of 6 that need to be dumped and I'm pretty sure that I have at least 10 others too. It'll be some nice spare change but I'm sure that's about all that it will be.

Otherwise, I've kept my promise and took the day off. I worked on some stained glass - finished 1 for me and started 1 for my mom. We also had dinner as a family and went to church. I really need to start slowing down as I truly enjoy having at least some time to relax and work on stuff like my stained glass each day.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday, April 21, 2006

I have to keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race. I swear I should post it somewhere to look at while I'm working each day. I've been able to cut down on my socializing online and I'm starting to teach dd how to do things for herself but I still have to go slow. Nevertheless, I've learned that I'm getting things done ahead of time and my clients are happy. I also need to keep telling myself this about finding work as well. I will keep getting enough work to keep me busy but I might only find a handful of jobs to apply for each day.

I got all of my research done, 2 articles corrected and 2 articles written. I still have 11 articles to write today but those can wait until dd goes to grandma's house this afternoon. I'm going to take some time and go outside now... See ya :D

Sometimes I could kick myself. Had I read this assignment a lot closer, I'd have been done with it a while ago UGGG

Well, I have done enough work to take the next 2 days off YAY so if I don't blog again until Tuesday, you'll know why.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2006

Today is going to be another weird day, I can already tell. I've already read all of my homeschooling stuff and wrote 2 articles. I'm now off to do some errands and leave my daughter with her grandma for a while. I'll head back home and hopefully get some more writing done at that point in time.

I had a nice day shopping with my Mom. I bought some great crafts to do with my daughter but the 1 I really like is the 1 I purchased for myself. It's a stain glass book that you color and I'm really looking forward to working on it. Hopefully things will slow down here a bit so that I can do so.

Man, you can really tell that it is the first nice day in quite some time. There are no jobs to be had anywhere today and it's even late in the day. I was only able to send out 2 queries today UGGG At least I have some work that will keep me busy for a while.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2006

I swear I'm going out of my flipping mind!!! I've been doing sooo much today that I just can't keep up with it all. It's 9:30 at night and I'm trying to restore some sort of order to this house and I still have another hour, at least, of work to do GRRR

Well the house looks better and the Easter decorations are finally down. Now I'm able to sit, relax and read through writing blogs. I found a new 1 tonight about freelance writing. I don't find many of them but this 1 looks good.

In all the hectic activity of this week I've actually forgotten about blogging for 1 client UGGG Yet another thing I'll have to do before bed tonight.

I swear today can be described by 1 word: FRUSTRATING

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2006

Today's problem: procrastination

I swear I have too much to do and yet I don't want to do any of it. I know I'm not the only 1 who gets this way but I don't feel like working, cleaning the house or going through my tons of paperwork. I know it's only going to get worse too as next week Spring returns. I don't know if I just need a day off or if I should push through this UGGG

This sure has been 1 of those days...

I HATE when word freezes up on you when you're almost done with what you're working on. Luckily I only have 1 small section to fix but still I almost was done with today's work before church tonight but not now. Thankfully there was auto save for some of it but I wish I'd learn to save things too GRRR

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday, April 17

It seems as though there is no "normal" day around here LOL I spent the morning shopping with my mom and then got home and did some school stuff with my daughter. Here it is 4PM and I have barely done anything for biz today - NOT good :(

I swear sometimes I freak myself and get so nervous over nothing. Some projects I think are going to take a few days, I'm lucky if it takes even all day. I just finished with an ebook that I was editing. It took me 3 hours and all I have is 16 pages to read and the TOC to create. I'd originally planned for it to take me 3 days LOL Good thing I took on "too much" work as usual as it turns out not to be too much at all :D I guess I'll take a break and play with dd for a while before making something for dinner. Then I can finish this ebook tonight WOOHOO

This is just an example of how days can ebb and flow in the life of a freelance writer.

I was just thinking about the fact that I think all of this worrying and not spending time doing things that I enjoy has given me an ulcer. I won't know for sure until I go to the doc on May 2 when my insurance changes, which reminds me I have to do that yet. However, I've been feeling better eating 5 small healthy meals each day. Who knows? Maybe I'll even lose some weight this way LOL

I really am liking being able to write down what I'm thinking! So, I'm glad I started this blog.

I just finished the ebook and learned a lot from writing it. These are the type of projects that I really like: the ones that I can learn something from.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday, April 15, 2006

I'm starting to wonder if I'm in the same position that Deb is in and thus I should stop looking for more/new work. However, at the same time I've learned that it's famine or feast in this biz and I definitely cannot withstan da famine. Somehow I'm still able to keep up with stuff right now.

The weather is giving some people problems getting online today. I'm hoping that this is the reason why I can't find any work worth applying for today. Of course, I'm also finding that this weather is very distractive in other ways. I'd really like to just climb under a warm blanket for a while but this is going to be a busy week of writing for me so I can't just do that.

Somehow I managed to get everything done today and 2 hours early WOW. I'm going to go put laundry away then sit down with my daughter for the night. I deserve some time to finally be able to relax!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday, April 15

I'm starting to feel as though I'm the only 1 that works 7 days a week. However I'm only putting in half days each day so I guess I shouldn't complain, especially since this is my "dream job" and I love being home to homeschool my daughter. I really think that I'm getting the forums checking time down though thank God.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

OK So I've been thinking of starting a blog about my writing ups and downs for a while now. Well, I've finally done it!

I started out my freelance writing career in August 2006 after having worked for an attorney. I'm working out of my home office, as a single mom who also homeschools her daughter. Things have been interesting to say the least. There have been so many ups and downs that I'm surprised that I haven't started this journal before now as I really do need a place to "vent." This is especially true considering my parents don't think that this is a real job. Nevertheless I'm self sufficient without anyone supporting me. So, for all of you have ever wondered if you could have a full time job as a writer, I'm here as living proof to say that it CAN be done.

It is kind of funny that I have started a blog though considering that I don't read what others have to say on this topic. However, I needed a place to put my thoughts down and real paper and pen journals just don't cut it for me. It seems that my brain thinks faster than I can write but thankfully I can type 70wpm and keep up with my brain LOL I don't plan on this being anything fancy. Just my ramblings put down for whomever cares to read them, if there really is anyone LOL I just really have to get things out of my head and what better place to do that then on a blog.

I really enjoy blogging though as it's a great way to share the lives of others online. This is why I'm so selective with the blogs that I read. I don't want to just read anything, I want to feel comfortable knowing the intimate workings of someone. On the other hand I'm a self admitted blog-aholic. I LOVE blogs and reading them LOL

Well, I'd better finish creating this space to be the way I want it to be. I'll be back later I'm sure LOL