Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007

OK So I've been thinking of starting a blog about my writing ups and downs for a while now. Well, I've finally done it!

I started out my freelance writing career in August 2006 after having worked for an attorney. I'm working out of my home office, as a single mom who also homeschools her daughter. Things have been interesting to say the least. There have been so many ups and downs that I'm surprised that I haven't started this journal before now as I really do need a place to "vent." This is especially true considering my parents don't think that this is a real job. Nevertheless I'm self sufficient without anyone supporting me. So, for all of you have ever wondered if you could have a full time job as a writer, I'm here as living proof to say that it CAN be done.

It is kind of funny that I have started a blog though considering that I don't read what others have to say on this topic. However, I needed a place to put my thoughts down and real paper and pen journals just don't cut it for me. It seems that my brain thinks faster than I can write but thankfully I can type 70wpm and keep up with my brain LOL I don't plan on this being anything fancy. Just my ramblings put down for whomever cares to read them, if there really is anyone LOL I just really have to get things out of my head and what better place to do that then on a blog.

I really enjoy blogging though as it's a great way to share the lives of others online. This is why I'm so selective with the blogs that I read. I don't want to just read anything, I want to feel comfortable knowing the intimate workings of someone. On the other hand I'm a self admitted blog-aholic. I LOVE blogs and reading them LOL

Well, I'd better finish creating this space to be the way I want it to be. I'll be back later I'm sure LOL

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